Report from the FIFA Final Draw in Cape Town
Posted on December 10, 2009 by Gary Crous
On the evening of Thursday December 3, 2009 we had a meeting at Brother Nigel and Sister Charlene Titus’ home in Grassy Park where we discussed the schedule and prayed for the outreach in and around the Cape Town city centre to take place the next day.
By the grace of God and after some time of planning this event, the day arrived on Friday December 4 where a team of evangelists would be taking to the streets of Cape Town to meet sinners whose only interest in this particular day would appear to be “to go out and party in Long Street”.
We left Nigel’s home shortly after 12:00 and proceeded into the city. The team would eventually comprise an “early” team and a “later” team for those joining us after work in the late afternoon / early evening. The members present were Nigel Titus, Donovan Nelson, Timothy Brown, Madge Titus (Nigel’s mother), Veronica Neutt, Bradley Scott, Bernadette Wagner, Craig Ernstzen, Barion Smith, Daniel Manuels (cameraman) and Gary Crous.
We arrived at Thibault Square; Nigel had received a call to collect the gospel tracts delivered to the mail room at his work in God’s perfect timing from Living Waters Africa. At the Square there were many people sitting around, walking through, waiting or taking their lunch break, and some were even on their “smoke-break” from work. Meeting these people allowed us opportunities to witness to them about the Day of Judgment that is approaching them as we opened the Perfect Law of God to their consciences and revealed the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ through the perfect atonement of sins through His sacrificial death on the cross, but most importantly His resurrection to life where He has conquered the sting of death, the grave and sinners’ sins for those who will repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
During this time there were many one2one witnessing encounters undertaken by us zealous evangelists. Challengers were also encountered and overcome by the power of God. One particular incident was when Veronica was approached by a security officer, who is employed at the Square, who questioned her about handing out tracts and whether she had permission to do so. Veronica approached Gary to discuss the situation, whilst he was witnessing to an elderly gentleman who understood the Word being opened to him. Afterwards, Gary explained to Veronica that the Square was public domain unless there was any signage prohibiting the distribution of written materials (including Gospel Tracts) or a code of conduct that was viewable. The situation did not proceed any further as we were not approached again by security. In all that unfolded in the Square He is the One who is glorified in all the good works that took place. We were merely the vessels that were available to God for Him to speak His Words to dying sinners. No praise is due to us – God is the One to be glorified for orchestrating us. There were some persons who were receptive and open to discussion and there were also those who held fast to their unbelief and were prepared to take a gamble with their eternal wellbeing where their consciences terminated the conversations rather than receive the Truth in and through Christ Jesus.
From Thibault Square, the soldiers of the cross rounded up and proceeded up St. Georges Street Mall. After taking a short “time-out” the work of the Lord continued with handing out of tracts, one2one witnessing and ministering to believers and the unsaved. Craig Ernstzen shared that there was a security guard who had heard the gospel proclaimed to him once before and was at the point of making a profession for Christ Jesus. We pray the Holy Spirit convicted him of sin, righteousness and judgment (John 16:8) and saved him by reconciling him into God’s family by making him a child of the Almighty.
There were many more opportunities of handing out tracts as we walked the length of the Mall and we also had opportunities of engaging the lost in conversation taking them through the Good Person Test, opening up the Perfect Law and expounding upon the Goodness of God expressing His Mercy and Grace through the cross by the sacrificing of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
THE GARDENS (Outside Parliament)
This would be where we would do our Project Ezra readings - we had chosen Matthew 5 – 7 and other readings. Today would also be the first time for five of our brothers and sisters in Christ to break the sound barrier. God is gracious in bringing His children to a place of overcoming what we call obstacles. In God’s strength all things are possible. Hallelujah.
(From Top to Bottom in order of Project Ezra readings – Nigel Titus, Gary Crous, Veronica Neutt (Newbie), Madge Titus (Newbie), Timothy Brown (Newbie), Donovan Nelson (Newbie), Craig Ernstzen, and Barion Smith (Newbie))

While the readings were taking place, passer-bys were handed many tracts and witnessing conversations also took place under the tree lined walkway. It was also at this point that a few of the brethren commenced with open-air preaching as the proclamation of God’s Law and the Gospel of Grace echoed in the Gardens of Cape Town. During the preaching of the Word Nigel handed a Million Dollar tract to a guy named Matthew. On receiving it he looked intently at it and said: “Is this the Way of the Master tract?” A conversation commenced between Nigel and Matthew – who opened his backpack to reveal that he, too, was carrying Living Waters tracts and material. Matthew has recently moved down to Cape Town from Durban to work there and Nigel now has his contact details. It is awesome to know that the ekklesia is being exposed to The Way of the Master Evangelism. Praise God that Biblical Evangelism is being preached!!!
LONG STREET (The Party-Zone)
We proceeded down to Long Street in the heart of Cape Town where the party-zone was cordoned off by the ever present South African Police Services (SAPS). To gain access you had to enter from the side streets – after being bodily searched by SAPS Law Enforcement Officers. It was a sea of humanity and chaotic – we could never even think about having meaningful conversations with the hoards of lost souls from every creed, tribe and tongue who were there for one thing – to party. Long Street was out of the question, but the side street we entered the zone from was ideal. Conversations could be had even with the everpresent soundings of the Vuvuzelas and we were also able to open-air preach to the lines of fans waiting to enter the party-zone.
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” – Matthew 24:36-39
There is so much more that can be written about our evangelising the lost and hopefully individual stories and testimonies will be penned and sent in to be posted by our Lord’s labourers. Praise belongs to Our One and Only God – The Lord Jesus Christ for without His Good Works we can do absolutely nothing.
The Class of 4 December 2009 – Back Row L to R – Donovan Nelson, Bradley Scott, Craig Ernstzen, Gary Crous, Nigel Titus, Timothy Brown; Front Row L to R - Veronica Neutt, Barion Smith, Bernadette Wagner, and Madge Titus; Cameraman – Daniel Manuels. Late arrivals Emile & Teri Jansen and their daughter.

After a long day, with tired limbs, hoarse throats but vibrant in heart we fellowshipped as a family around a meal at Nandos where we discussed our experiences, shared “war stories” and testimonies of how Great and Good our God really is - it was a perfect way to end a perfect day.
Yay, praise God, Durban's turn next right?
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful group of laborers!!
ReplyDeletePraising God for your faithfulness.
Praise God!